Cavities are very common in adults ages 20 to 64. Over 90% of adults have at least one cavity troubling them. Plus, 27% of these adults have untreated tooth decay. Tooth decay is the damage to your tooth's surface or enamel.
One of the main factors that destroy your tooth enamel is bacteria. They produce acids that attack the enamel, resulting in dental caries or holes in the teeth. However, many do not know that food can play a significant role in damaging teeth.
Aside from mechanical damage from chewing hard foods like ice and nuts, as well as stains caused by soda, coffee, and red wine, certain types of food can break down into harmful substances in your mouth that can exacerbate cavities.
This article will discuss the common foods that can destroy your teeth. Read on to know more about them so that you can avoid them and dodge oral infection.
1. Bread
You might think that eating bread is okay and won't hurt your oral health, but you're mistaken. Sugar transforms as your saliva breaks the starch down as you chew bread. You may not know it, but the gummy and paste-like bread you eat sticks to your teeth, which can increase the bacteria in your mouth.
When you’re craving white bread, you may consider eating a less-refined variety such as whole wheat, which is a much healthier alternative. Because it has less sugar, you can minimize the chances of acquiring an oral infection.
2. Chips
Like eating bread, you can also get an oral infection by eating chips. Chips are full of starch that becomes sugar after chewing on them. These sugars can get trapped between your teeth, which can cause bacteria buildup, resulting in plaque.
If you cannot avoid eating chips, brushing and flossing are crucial afterward. While you cannot altogether avoid getting an oral infection from flossing, it will help you remove any lingering food particles that may get trapped between your teeth.
3. Carbonated Drinks
Another type of food, a beverage that can contribute to a person acquiring an oral infection, is carbonated beverages. Sodas and other carbonated drinks generally contain large quantities of sugar, and drinking too much of these drinks can encourage plaque to produce more acid, attacking one's tooth enamel.
Not brushing your teeth properly yet frequently drinking sodas can lead to oral infection, as your teeth become coated in a layer of acid. Sodas can also discolor and stain one's teeth due to their strong food dyes. So the next time you drink carbonated drinks such as soda, make sure to wash them down by drinking a glass of water and brushing your teeth right after.
Final Thoughts
Upon knowing that foods are some of the main reasons for accumulating cavities, you can now learn to avoid the ones that can damage your teeth. For more information, it would be best to visit the nearest dental practice. They would be more than willing to help you not just for cure but also for prevention.
For your dental care needs, you can book an appointment with Dental House MI, a trusted local dentist. Our specialists offer preventive dentistry services to help you avoid problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Call us today for dental care in Ann Arbor, such as checkups, deep cleaning, periodontal therapy, and fluoride treatments.