Emergency Dentistry
Emergency Dentists at our local dentist office near you in West Bloomfield, Ann Arbor & Waterford, Michigan
Got A Dental Emergency? - We Accept Walk In

Emergency dentists at Dental House can help with your dental emergencies, which include (but not limited to): knocked out teeth, partially dislodged teeth, chipped, cracked, or broken teeth, severe toothache, abscessed teeth, object stuck between the teeth, injury to the lips, gums, or jaw and Pain or swelling in the face...and more!
There will be a good chance to save your knocked out teeth if you contact your dentist at Dental House as soon as it happens.
What to do if you knocked your tooth loose:
- You may take some over the counter painkillers to reduce the pain
- We advise to put ice pack on it until you get to our office
- Contact your dentist at Dental House as soon as it happens
- Go visit the nearest Dental House office as soon as possible
Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
This is one of the most painful emergency cases you want to contact your dentist at Dental House for an immediate help.
What to do if you broke or chipped your tooth:
- Rinse out your mouth with warm water
- Try your best to keep your tooth if possible
- Put an ice pack on it
- Get to your emergency dentist at Dental House as soon as you can
Broke/lost your crown or filling:
This is one of the cases that is not fun at all, especially if it happens that you swallow it on accident, but don’t worry if it happens, you are still safe, but you just need to get in contact with your emergency dentist at Dental House as soon as possible.
Note: Until you get to your nearest Dental House office, your tooth will be very sensitive to almost anything goes into your mouth.
What to do if you broke or lost your crown or filling:
- You can try to sooth the sensitivity of your tooth by using clove oil.
- You may also get some dental cement from local drug store to reduce your tooth sensitivity.
- Contact your local emergency dentist at Dental House.
- Get to our office as soon as possible to take care of it for you same day
Severe toothache
So many different issues can cause your toothache. Unfortunately, most of the time, you won’t be able to identify the exact reason without consulting your dentist.
What to do if you have a sudden painful toothache:
- Rinse out your mouth with warm water.
- Try to gently floss around the tooth to make sure no food is hanging around there.
- If the toothache persists, contact your emergency dentist at Dental House.
- Go your dentist office as soon as you can for an X-Ray to identify the main cause.
Object stuck between your teeth
There is no doubt it is very uncomfortable when you get something stuck between your teeth. Sometimes it is very painful and could lead to infection. That’s why you will have to try to take it out as soon as you can as the risk of cavities or infection increases significantly after the first 72 hours.
What to do if something is lodged between your teeth
- Try to get it out with some floss
- If flossing hurts too much, try soft picks to get it out gently
- If you still can’t take out, please contact your emergency dentist at your nearest Dental House office
- Go to see your dentist as soon as you can to get it taken care of
Swelling mouth / Abscessed teeth
When you get in pain because of swelling mouth, you should take it very serious as in some cases it could lead to death. You may also have an abscessed tooth. The infection can spread quickly, and you will be putting your life in a big risk if you don’t take care of it as fast as possible.
What to do if you have an abscessed tooth
- Contact your emergency dentist at Dental House as soon as you can.
You broke your braces
Sometimes the moving parts of braces break. It is rare, but it happens.
What to do if you broke your braces
- Contact your emergency orthodontist at Dental House ASAP
- If the wire breaks, try to move it where it is not poking you until you see your dentist.
- If you cannot move it comfortably, try to use some orthodontic wax to cover it until you can get to the orthodontist.
- If it’s a band that loosens, salvage it and go to your nearest Dental House office for replacement.
Injury to your lips, gums, or jaw
Injuries to your lips, gums or jaw are no fun at all.
What to do if you broke your jaw
- If you got a broken jaw, there’s nothing you can do for this other than take some over the counter painkillers and put some ice on it until you can get to the ER.
- You will likely need a maxillofacial surgeon for this and a surgery as soon as possible.
Inflamed wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth seem to come whenever they please, and when they do, they can easily wreak havoc. If they don’t come in properly, it can cause infection (Pericoronitis). The risk of this spreading is too high to neglect.
If you get it, you’ll know because of your irritated gums in that area, as well as possible bad breath. You'll likely feel a painful pressure in your wisdom teeth area also. See a dentist as soon as possible to get this resolved.
Note sure if your case is an emergency? - Please contact your emergency dentist at Dental House office near you.