If you recently got your dentures, then you might probably haven’t adjusted yet. You may experience discomfort as well as difficulty in speaking and eating.
Getting dentures may seem to be challenging at first, but in time, you’ll be able to fully function. Think about the benefits it can give you to boost your confidence and give you that beautiful smile plus the additional functionality so you can properly speak and eat again.
Now, to help you understand and adjust to your new dental situation, here are five useful and practical tips that you can do as you live your life with dentures.
1. Brush and Clean Your Dentures Twice a Day
You don’t need to apply special cleaning to your dentures. You just need to clean your dentures, just like how you clean your normal teeth. This means brushing your dentures twice a day, so there will be no plaque buildup. If not, then dirty dentures will not only permit the growth of bacteria but can also cause you to have bad breath.
2. Don’t Forget to Brush Your Gums
When you brush your dentures and your teeth, don’t forget to also gently brush your gums. This will help prevent you from having gum diseases and since your dentures are sitting on top of them, then it also makes sense to keep them healthy and free from any disease. Just make sure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove food particles, bacteria, and even plaque from your gums.
3. Don’t Let Your Dentures Exposed and Dry
Remember that your dentures should always be submerged in a glass of water or a denture cleaning solution.
Like your natural teeth, your dentures should always be wet so they may not be at risk of fracturing. Exposing your full or partial dentures to air will cause them to dry out, and that would lead to warping and cracking.
Another thing that you need to remember is to allow your gums to rest at night. With this in mind, it is vital to remove your dentures, put them in water or dental solution every night.
4. Understand How to Correct Slipping Dentures
If you suddenly make a movement, laugh or sneeze out loud, and even give a huge smile, then your dentures may suddenly slip. And that can be a humiliating experience (if you think someone saw it slipping) or may even damage your dentures when it falls on hard surfaces.
One way to prevent this is to gently bite down and swallow as you put on your dentures. It is a subtle yet effective gesture in placing your dentures back in place, even when you’re out in a public place.
But if your dentures always slip, then you need to schedule an appointment right away with your dentist to make sure that it is properly and secured in place.
5. Practice Speaking with Your Dentures On
Just because your dentures may slip or, for some reason, come off doesn’t mean that you would shy away from others. Especially if you just started wearing full or partial dentures. You need to speak and train those muscles and for your gums to be aware of the new dental device you have.
You can speak with your family members, friends, or loved ones, and if they are not available, you can try speaking out loud so you can practice with words that you have difficulty pronouncing.
Bonus Tip That You Shouldn’t Miss: Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months
This is a crucial part of your denture journey. Your dentist will be able to check your dentures and see if they are still in good condition or not. Visiting your dentist is also beneficial because you’ll have your teeth cleaned and have a dental exam.
Wearing full or partial dentures for the first time can be a bit uncomfortable. You may also find it a bit hard to normally speak and eat. But with these five useful and practical tips listed above, you can be sure that your experience with your new dental device will be as easy as possible and will last longer and in great condition.
Dental House MI offers various dental services, such as cosmetic dentistry, preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, and even installation of partial or full dentures in Ypsilanti. Make an appointment with us today so you can start your journey to having healthier and brighter teeth.