If you choose to wear Invisalign instead of braces, you must understand the basic ways to keep them safe and in good condition throughout your usage. Although you will regularly replace your aligners, it is important to start building positive habits and incorporate them into your lifestyle as early as possible. Here are some of the most important notes:
Always wear your aligners
Invisalign is not enough to ensure that your teeth straighten. You need to wear at least 22 hours every day and remove it only during necessary times. You also need to ensure that you care for your Invisalign aligners. That means rinsing it off and rinsing your mouth before putting them back.
Clean them the right way
Every night while you sleep, bacteria in your mouth will build up within your tray. That is why it is essential to take them out and clean them every morning before you start your day and before you sleep at night. Consider buying an extra toothbrush with soft bristles and use them to clean off the Invisalign. It can remove the tough bacteria or plaque that starts to build up in the tray.
Soaking your tray into an approved solution at least once a day can also prevent it from acquiring unpleasant smells. Furthermore, you can remove lingering food particles this way. Use a denture cleaner or the Invisalign cleaning crystals when doing this.
This may seem a lot to remember and a lot of work to do, but it’s easier once you incorporate it into your daily routine. Just make sure to do your part by brushing and flossing your teeth before putting the clean and well-rinsed Invisalign aligners back.
Always bring your case with you
Since Invisalign trays are removable, it is only normal to take them out whenever necessary. However, you should avoid keeping them just out there in the open. Always place it in its proper container.
Otherwise, it might cause unnecessary bacteria buildup, or you may end up losing or breaking them. Make sure to bring the case wherever you go. If you have no choice but to expose them for a while, make sure you rinse them before putting them back.
Never use toothpaste as an Invisalign cleaner
Toothpaste cleans your teeth and keeps them fresh. However, do not expect the same effect for your Invisalign aligners. No matter how tempting, please do not do it.
Instead of having a clear and fresh tray you can be proud of, you would end up with cloudy and discolored aligners. Do not use any soaps that are scented and colored either. Their particles could also build up in your tray, resulting in stained aligners.
Mind the adjustment phase
Just like braces, expect your mouth to feel uncomfortable, particularly in the beginning. Aside from straightening your teeth, which will definitely hurt, you also need to get used to the feeling of taking them off and putting them back again. Once you survive this phase, however, you would have fewer things to worry about later.
Knowing these rules and abiding by them can make your Invisalign investment worthwhile. Besides prolonging its life, you also get a safer tooth-straightening experience. If you have any problems or concerns, talk to your Invisalign dentist to know more about it.
Should you decide to get Invisalign at Ann Arbor, get them from qualified and quality suppliers. Dental House: Home of Dentistry is the preferred dentist in Ann Arbor and Waterford, MI. We offer various dental services, including Invisalign clear aligners. Enquire now to learn more about the process.