When you are facing problems concerning the appearance and condition of your teeth, you could approach your nearest dental clinic to help solve your oral issues. One solution you can get is veneers, although you have to keep in mind that they are considered permanent.
If you want to take your physical appearance and oral health seriously, investing in your teeth is a great way to look good and feel good. However, before you decide to spend money on getting the proper dental solutions, you must first ensure that it’s the right treatment for you.
In line with that, you must know how to take care of them properly to ensure that your veneers will work well with your teeth. Keep reading below to learn about veneers and how you can manage them after getting them.
What are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers comprise a thin layer of material that dentists position on top of the surface of your teeth. They serve as a way for you to achieve an effortless smile quickly and effectively.
Veneers can enhance your teeth, specifically their form, color, and placement. Besides that, you can depend on veneers to improve the misalignment of your teeth or cover the gaps between them. If you’re suffering from discolored teeth, veneers can also improve your teeth’s brightness.
For people who couldn’t take care of their teeth enough and ended up with a chipped or damaged tooth or two, getting dental veneers can cover them up and make your teeth look good as new. While this solution is intended to last for several years, failing to look after them properly will require you to get them replaced earlier than expected!
Tips to Caring for Your Veneers
Continue Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene
After a local dentist positions your dental veneers on your teeth, now more than ever will you have to be stricter about caring for your oral hygiene. You are still susceptible to cavities even with veneers fixed in place—so make sure to avoid them as much as possible.
When you make an effort to maintain the cleanliness of your veneers, you increase your chances of avoiding discoloration and staining on your teeth. You must continue to brush and floss your teeth daily, as well as opt to apply dental products your dentist may suggest.
Limit Consuming Stain-Causing Food and Drinks
While dental veneers are manufactured to reduce teeth stains, that doesn’t mean they are impervious to discoloration. Fortunately, you can keep the stains at bay and ensure your veneers will maintain their excellent appearance.
After undergoing the procedure, it will be best to stay away from food and drinks that could cause staining and discoloration. Food that can significantly cause your teeth to stain are pasta sauce and various berries, while the beverages involve coffee, tea, and soda.
Stay Away from Damaging Habits
Even though dental veneers are essentially built to be durable, it doesn’t mean they won’t break from too much pressure due to your particular habits and actions. When you tend to bite your nails or chew on ice, there’s a huge chance they can end up damaging your veneers.
If you want to continue benefiting from your veneers to give you a good set of teeth, you must learn to get rid of your bad oral habits. Every time you catch yourself doing them again, it’s vital for you to stop right away or risk facing the consequences!
Once you get your veneers fixed over your teeth, you have to continue taking good care of your oral hygiene and remember to brush and floss as usual. Besides that, you should also limit or avoid consuming stain-causing food and drinks and quit damaging habits like biting your nails or chewing on ice. In addition, remember that veneers won’t exactly last forever because, after years of using them, they will require a replacement to ensure you continue to benefit from having a perfect set of teeth.
Are you looking for affordable dentistry solutions in Ann Arbor that involve dental veneers? Dental House MI is a dental practice that specializes in preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!