Thanks to modern dental technology, traditional braces aren't the only option for you if you'll need braces. There's a wide selection of orthodontic options to choose from, ranging from metal to invisible braces. However, you'll need first to identify your teeth and jaw's condition. This is vital to ensure that the braces you'll have will align with your oral health's goals.
How to identify if you'll need braces
Although some oral conditions are easier to spot, like misaligned or crooked teeth, others are more cunning in hiding their presence. For example, frequent jaw pain could be enough cause to get a long-term solution through braces. This is why you need to be aware of what your oral health can mean before you even contact a dentist.
In this article, we'll share four warning signs that will require you to prepare to get braces.
1. Excessive gaps in teeth
Contrary to popular belief, your teeth don't stop moving even after getting your full set of adult teeth. Although they'll no longer grow, they can shift and adjust due to your eating habits. One potential result of poor teeth alignment is having inconsistent gaps in your teeth. Besides being unsightly, these excessive gaps can trap food and cause gum irritation over time. Braces can gradually bring your teeth in line in a more orderly fashion.
2. Crowding and crooked teeth
Similar to gaps in your teeth, malocclusions, or crowded teeth, can also cause complications with your biting and brushing habits. Having difficulties cleaning your teeth's gaps and surfaces can lead to long-term damage from bacteria and develop cavities. If you want to avoid the alternative of losing damaged impacted teeth through tooth extractions, it's better to invest in quality braces instead.
3. Biting problems
Not all oral complications are easily identifiable through visual means; some of them are more noticeable through the pain your experience yourself. If you start realizing that biting down becomes painful over time, you may have misaligned teeth damaging your jaw, tongue, and cheeks. Although this generally occurs after enduring physical trauma, there could be a deeper underlying cause that requires a professional diagnosis. Keep your symptoms in mind once you visit your local dentist to ask what your next course of action should be.
4. Jaw pain
A less serious result of biting problems could be having tooth misalignment. This is noticeable from pain emanating from your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which can be under stress due to the unequal distribution of load. You may experience an inflamed sensation or click below your gums where your mandibles are. This is symptomatic of a misaligned jaw.
Thankfully, you don't need to undergo major surgery to align your jaw. Ideally, the only course of action you need to do is correct your bite, which will restore balance on your lower jaw. Nevertheless, it's still vital to get a professional opinion to check your jaw pain's root cause.
Once you can deduce that you require braces, there are several steps you need to take afterward. First, you'll need an expert diagnosis to confirm any underlying causes of your current oral condition. Your orthodontic and financing options will depend on whether you consult with a reliable dental clinic. This is why it's best to only receive dental services from credible and dependable dental care providers near you.
At Dental House MI, we provide our patients with affordable dentistry in Ann Arbor through our accommodating and experienced dental professionals. Our staff is ready to give an accurate diagnosis and treatment for all your dental concerns. Get in touch with us today!