As the new year has just started, some people may already have written their plans and resolutions that they aim to achieve. When it comes to these, it’s mostly about kicking old habits and fostering new good ones. But what about your oral health? Have you thought about having good oral habits all year round? Fret not, as it’s not yet too late to include this in your plans and resolutions. On that note, our recommendations are to practice dental basics that will give you strong and healthy teeth, a perfect smile, and good oral health.
In this article, we will share four dental habits to observe as part of your new year’s resolutions:
1. Take the time to floss and brush
Although almost everyone knows the importance of flossing and brushing teeth every day, not all practice these oral habits regularly. Some tend to skip flossing altogether, while a few others miss out on even brushing their teeth twice a day. Brushing your teeth is vital in removing leftover food particles and preventing tartar buildup, so be sure to perform this after every meal. On the other hand, flossing gets rid of sticky, bacteria-laden plaque that gets stuck in between your teeth. Know that while brushing cleans 60 percent of your teeth, flossing takes care of the remaining 40 percent.
2. Quit smoking
Smoking is bad for health, and it is particularly harmful to your overall oral health as it can lead to teeth staining, bad breath, cavity buildup, gum diseases, teeth loss, and even lung and oral cancer. While quitting smoking is easier said than done, it’s best to start doing so as early as now and continue gradually. This is why you should seek help from professionals to get some recommendations on how to quit. If it helps, get support from your friends and family, who can help you stop puffing your lungs out eventually!
3. Have proper food and drink consumption
Eating healthy is probably a part of your new year’s plans and resolutions. But while you’re at it, be sure to consider consuming foods and beverages that will keep your teeth strong and healthy and know what to avoid. Below are a few valuable recommendations:
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: This is to get more antioxidants and nutrients from fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts to fight off bacteria and inflammation.
- Avoid foods and drinks with added sugar: Give up on processed foods with artificial colors and beverages such as soda, artificial juices, and even tea and coffee.
- Drink lots of water: The recommended amount is to take eight glasses of water a day.
4. Visit your dentist regularly
Taking care of your oral health is one matter, and visiting a professional dental practitioner is another. It’s best to visit your dentist as they can perform proper dental checkup and diagnosis as well as provide you with the right dental treatments. In fact, it is highly recommended that you see your local dentist in Ann Arbor every six months or when the need arises.
At this point, you now know what to include in your new year’s resolutions as far as oral habits are concerned—take the time to floss and brush, quit smoking, have proper food and drink consumption, and regularly visit your dentist. Keep in mind that taking care of your oral health is as equally important as taking care of your body because doing so will pay off in the long run by boosting your oral function and giving you a perfect smile!
Are you looking to kick old bad oral habits? Let our local dentists in Ann Arbor and Waterford help foster your overall oral health this new year! We’re a dental house offering various dental services, from preventive dentistry to cosmetic dentistry down to oral surgery. Connect with us today and get 25 percent off on all our dental services!