When going to the dentist for teeth cleaning, you might think that you will only have to undergo the standard cleaning procedure. That's only until your dentist recommends a different dental cleaning method that sounds painful and scary. Before you get up from that chair, know that dental, as well as medical terms, really sound intimidating to begin with, which is why it is vital that you know each procedure in detail.
There are commonly three different types of dental cleaning, and the type of cleaning that you will receive depends on your oral hygiene. If you have been regularly going to the dentist every six months, then it’s likely you’ll only get the regular cleaning. On the other hand, if you haven’t been to the dentist for a long time, then you can expect a more thorough procedure to clean your teeth.
In this article, we will share three types of dental cleaning so that you will be well-informed:
Also known as normal dental cleaning, prophylaxis is part of preventative dentistry and general dental hygiene. This treatment includes an examination of your gum tissue, thorough cleaning, and removal of tartar and plaque. The procedure will wrap up with teeth polishing and flossing.
If your dentist finds other issues after the prophylaxis procedure, they will advise you to come back after six months.
Scaling and Root Planing
This type of teeth treatment is also referred to as “deep cleaning.” It is mainly recommended for patients who show signs of gum disease. Don’t worry; it’s not a surgical process!
What sets it apart from normal dental treatments is that this cleans the tooth area below the gum line. When gums are left untreated for long periods, gum disease may easily develop, which may then lead to bone and tooth loss. Furthermore, it can shift your teeth, which will compromise its alignment. Keep in mind that you can spread out the procedure schedules over a few visits if you’re not comfortable having it done in one go.
Gross Debridement
If you have been putting off your dental cleaning and your oral health has gone bad, then you might need a gross debridement cleaning. This process involves the gross removal of plaque and calculus. With that, this is when there’s already too much plaque and tartar buildup. To remove them, specific tools are needed; gross debridement usually takes 45 minutes to an hour.
Being familiar with the different dental cleaning types is essential, especially if you’re prone to dental anxiety. Despite this condition being common, many patients still delay their visits. However, if you want to save yourself from intensive or invasive procedures, it’s vital you keep your dental health in check, and that means seeing your dentist at least every six months. Only then will you be able to ensure that your teeth are an excellent condition.
Knowing the types of cleaning will also help ease your anxiety. As mentioned, dental terms may sound intimidating at first, but if you take the time to know and understand how it works, you will be able to ease yourself.
At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that the level of teeth cleaning will depend on your current teeth and gum condition.
If you are looking for a local dentist in Ypsilanti, we offer one of the top-rated dental services in the area. We also offer different types of teeth cleaning to help you achieve the best oral health. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!